CanSkate (learn to skate) Program Registration
Winter 2024 session:
- Mondays 4:45-5:30pm and Thursdays 4:45-5:30pm
Before registering, please consider that this is a 45-minute group learning situation with 40 plus people on the ice and assess whether or not your child is ready for this learning environment. We want their first skating experiences to be fun and enjoyable.
Winter Monday CanSkate starts on January 13, 2025 and runs until Monday, March 24, 2025 for 10 sessions. Skaters may choose to enter the Three Sisters Fun Skate, hosted by the Canmore Skating Club on Saturday, March 29. No class on February 17 (Family Day Week).
Winter Thursday CanSkate starts on January 16, 2025 and runs until Thursday, March 27, 2025 for 10 sessions. Skaters may choose to enter the Three Sisters Fun Skate, hosted by the Canmore Skating Club on Saturday, March 29. No class on February 20 (Family Day Week).
Skaters who are currently registered in the Fall CanSkate program have priority registration on Winter programs from noon November 28 to 11:50am December 1. Registration for all will open ~noon, December 1.
- For Adults & Teens ONLY - Sundays 6:45-7:30pm
No classes on January 19 (Hockey Day) and February 16 (Family Day Sunday).
- Minimum Skater Requirement: If this is the student’s first year on skates they must be four (4) years of age or older. Three-year olds may register if they have achieved CanSkate “Badge 1 Balance” (generally speaking, “Badge 1 Balance” means the skater can move around the ice without support and get themselves up onto their feet after a fall unassisted. You will receive a warning that the skater does not meet the age requirement when you register.)
- Multi-day Discount: register a skater for both Mondays and Fridays and receive a 10% discount on their program fees. Programs must be purchased in the same shopping cart.
- Family Discount: register two or more skaters from the same family unit and receive a 5% discount on their program fees. Programs must be purchased in the same shopping cart.
- Please read our Programming page for information about Skate Canada's CanSkate program. Minimum age and skill levels have been developed along with parental supervision requirements. You will also find the Skate Canada helmet policy, information on the skates to purchase for the best learning outcomes, skate care and tips on what to wear.
- Please review our Club Policies, in particular Photo Release; Helmet Use; Volunteer / Fundraiser Commitment; Refund / Cancellation / Missed Ice; Payment in Arrears; and, Parent Code of Conduct before registering.
- Skate Canada Assumption of Risk and Waiver: All members must sign before skater can participate in a Canmore Skating Club activity.
- Skate Canada Notice of Collection: Skater personal information is collected and exchanged as per Skate Canada Privacy Code. All members must acknowledge the current policy.
- Fundraising and Volunteering (2024-25): CanSkate (Monday, Thursday) and Adult/Teen program registrants are asked to help the Club by participating in fundraising campaigns and volunteering for Club events but there are no minimum requirements.
The Canmore Skating Club reserves the right to cancel programs with insufficient enrollment.
Our Registration page has information on the registration process.
If our system detects more than 60 minutes of inactivity in your browser, your registration spots will no longer be reserved and you will need to begin again.