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Current Programs
- Skate Canada CanSkate, StarSkate, AdultSkate and Podium Pathway programs are currently being offered by the Canmore Skating Club. Please refer to our Programming page for descriptions of each of these offerings.
Skate Canada/Club Annual membership fee: Anyone participating in a Canmore Skating Club program must be a member of Skate Canada. This non-refundable Skate Canada/Club annual membership fee is currently $70. If you are not a current Skate Canada member, the membership fee will be added to your invoice when the skater registers for their first program of the membership year. The Skate Canada membership year runs from September 1 to August 31.
Registrations are accepted online through the Uplifter portal. You will need to create a Canmore Skating Club Uplifter account before registering your skater(s) in a Canmore Skating Club program. Member feedback indicates that the registration process is easier to navigate using a PC or an iPhone. We accept payment in full using MasterCard, VISA and VISA Debit.
Most Fall/Winter Pre-Star, Star and Podium Pathway programs can be paid in installments: first payment when registering; followed by one on November 1 and the last on February 1. Look for the "Payment option" drop down box below the Total amount on your Invoice Summary at checkout. Membership fees are not eligible to be paid in installments.
Please email us if you require other payment options.
Uplifter portal "How to Register Instructions"
Family Discount: receive a 5% discount on all regular Fall/Winter season programs in your shopping cart if 2 or more family members register at the same time. Drop-in registrations are not eligible for discounts.
CanSkate 2-Day Discount: receive a 10% discount if a skater registers for both Monday and Thursday CanSkate programs in the same session. (Must be in the same shopping cart.)
4 or more programs Discount: receive 10% off all regular Fall/Winter season programs when a skater has at least 4 Star/PP programs from the Basic Fall/Winter schedule in their cart. Drop-in registrations are not eligible for discounts.
Affordability: Check out the Town of Canmore's Affordable Services Program web page (in particular Kidsport and Jumpstart). It lists several programs and organizations who offer financial assistance to Bow Valley families enabling them to participate in skating programs and other activities.
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